Inter Island Sheep Breeders Association

WELCOME to IISBA’s online home!
Our Mission: ” To bring together the sheep producers of the Vancouver Island Coastal Region of British Columbia, for the sharing of knowledge regarding all aspects of the sheep industry.”


Interisland Sheep Breeders Association has been serving the interests of sheep producers within the Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands coastal region since the 1960’s. As one of the founding organizations of the BC Sheep Federation, IISBA has been bringing the concerns of sheep producers in our region to the provincial table and then on to the federal table through the Canadian Sheep Federation.

If you have sheep, and need resources, help, information or someone to share your sheep stories with, IISBA is the organization that can do that for you. If you are not a member, consider joining to help us help sheep breeders across the province.


Virtual Tool Box

The Virtual Tool Box is an online ‘tool box’ to assist new sheep breeders. It’s full of information producers need to know in relation to running a business and managing production.

Sheep Production Manual

A Guide for Beginning Farmers from the Province of Nova Scotia

Code of Practice

This Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep replaces its
predecessor developed in 1995 and published by the Canadian Agri-Food Research Council.

Shepherding 101

The goal of this manual is to provide basic information on sheep production to producers interested
in entering into the sheep industry in Alberta.

Canadian Sheep ID Program

The Canadian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP) is a mandatory, industry-led initiative to develop a traceback system that will lead to a full-scale traceability system.

The Busine$$ of Sheep

The Busine$$ of Sheep is a business module for sheep producers from Alberta Lamb Producers.

Our Board of Directors

President: Garrett Joliceour
Vice President: Angela Clarke
Treasurer: Arabella Campbell
Secretary: Mike Dietrich
Representative to BC Sheep Federation: Jacques Campbell
Public Relations/Social Media: Garrett Joliceour
Director at large: Alexa Boulton
Director at large: Barbara de Burgh
Director at large: Pieter Demooy
Director at large: Kate Paterson
Director at large: Helen Schwantje

The Inter Island Sheep Breeders Association is accepting membership!

IISBA has been serving the interests of sheep producers within the Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands coastal region since the 1960’s. After being inactive for a number of years, we’ re back and excited to bring together sheep producers of Vancouver Island, and the Gulf Islands.

If you have sheep, and need resources, help, information, or someone to share your sheep stories with, IISBA is the organization that can do that for you.

Membership dues of $25/year for each household/corporation, can be sent via e-transfer to iisbapresident(at) or via cheque, made out to Inter Island Sheep Breeders Association to: 2969 Bevmaril Crescent, Gabriola Island BC, VOR 1X7.